Book Review The Devil Wears Scrubs
Title: The Devil Wears Scrubs Author: Freida McFadden Type: Fiction Series: no Genre: Chick Lit/Medical Acquisition: Purchased Kindle Version Pages: 283 Premise/Plot: Fresh from Med School, Dr. Jane McGill had to learn how to be a doctor in what seems to be hell in the form of a community hospital. From crazy wicked cohorts also interning, to the seemingly demonic resident, Dr. Alyssa Morgan, Jane is sleep-deprived and treading water as patient after patient keeps her running around in circles trying to manage it all. Rating: 4.5 Stars Summary: First-year intern, Dr. Jane McGill, is having a time of it. At work, she is paired with Connie, a seemingly perfect intern, who never seemed to have a tough caseload a day the entire book. Of course, Connie is Alyssa's favorite, and even bit of frustration, disappointment, and anger are focused towards Jane. Poor Jane! But she has a helper of sorts, a devilishly handsome surgical resident, Ryan. He's confide...
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